Vortex man is a comic book hero - but he is also much more. He is the spokesperson for a growing movement towards a greener tomorrow - a vision for a world without waste that we can be proud to hand over to the next generation.
To this end - 10% of our proceeds go to support organizations and charities dedicated to helping children. Vortex man kindles within all of us what we know to be true; A greener world is a better world. The future requires that we reduce, reuse and recycle.
The result of a supposed terrible accident in the North Pacific Garbage Patch – contact with the mixture of the polluted sea and the secret serum shaped Vortex Man into what he is today. Instead of becoming a victim, he rallied to defeat those that would harm this planet. He became a champion in the fight against pollution and those willing to exploit the environment for personal gain. Vortex Man calls all to action!! He encourages you to not only follow him in his adventures – but to strike out with him against WASTE! Will you answer the call?